Ekpang Nkukwuo is a lovable meal of the Efiks (Cross River) and the Ibibios (Akwa Ibom State), it is prepared from a combination of cocoyam, water yam and leaves. This food must not be missing in some occasions or ceremonies such as christening, meetings and especially traditional marriage if it does that means that occasion is not complete.
Ekpang takes so long to prepare, but so little time to consume

The process of preparing expang nkukwuo is very tedious, if you want to eat the food in the afternoon it will be ideal to start preparation four hours before the time except you have many hands assisting. Grating of the cocoyam and water yam takes a long time but not as much as when wrapping the grated substance, they are wrapped into small cylindrical shapes you have to be very technical in doing that if not they will all loosen when cooking them. To reduce the time for the preparation of ekpang nkukwo you have to prepare some things down like the fish and periwinkle. Just like yam flour we now have cocoyam and water yam flour for ekpang.


The nutritional value of ekpang nkukwuo is indeed something to behold, cocoyam has low carbohydrate content. Other additives such as seafoods, leaves, oil etc makes the food a balanced diet. We have in it; mineral, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrate, water, fat and oil. Ekpang nkukwo has the same recipe as ikokori the Yoruba version. I will advice the meal should be served  during the day because it is a very heavy meal. If you are a slim person that wants to gain fat after eating to your full, drink plenty water after relaxing enough take some sleep trust me within a month your size would have increased.


1kg Cocoyam, peeled, washed and grated

100g Wateryam (optional – I skipped this), peeled, washed and grated

Fresh Cocoyam (ugwu in Ibo) leaves (substitute with spinach or pumpkin leaves. I used pumpkin leaves)

500g Beef (substitute or add goat meat snails or fish – all optional. I skipped these)

300g Dried fish

200g Stockfish, slightly cooked (optional. I skipped this)

3/4cup Crayfish

4 Chili Pepper to taste (optional and amount are up to you)

3 stock cubes

Salt to taste

2 medium onions

2 cups Palm Oil

2tbsp scent leaf (still trying to figure out what leaf this is) chopped (substitute mint or fresh basil)

PRE-PREPARATION: Beef, periwinkles and smoked fish

Season and boil the beef (or your chosen meat, chicken) and create the stock (if you are using beef)Top and tail the periwinkles.  Cook the shelled periwinkle for approximately 5 minutes in salted water and then clean properly and set asideSoak the smoked fish in hot water and salt and clean thoroughly to remove any grit


Caution: Raw cocoyam has the tendency to itch or irritate your skin. You may want to wear latex gloves when preparing this dish.

Peel, wash and grate the cocoyam into a bowl – it will have a pudding-like consistencyPeel, wash and grate the water yam and add to the cocoyam in a bowl (the water yam I purchased was too watery so I skipped it)Season the yam mixture by crumbling 2 stock cubes,  ½ tablespoon of salt and a table spoon of palm oilMix the seasoning evenly through the yamWash the cocoyam leaves, pumpkin leaves (or substitutes) thoroughly in water and drain in a colanderPick the leaves off the stems, place a small amount of the yam mixture into each leaf and wrap


Place the cleaned periwinkles in bottom of a medium cooking pan – line the pan with the periwinklesLayer the (ekpang) wraps on top of the periwinkles in the pan. You will eventually have several layersAdd in the dried fish, chopped onions, diced peppers, crumbled stock cubes, ground dried cray fish, scent leaf, salt, and palm oilAdd the 3 cup of water and cook on medium heat for about 15 minutesStir slightly and continue to cook for another 10 minutesTaste the ekpang to ensure that it is cooked properly, if not add a little more water and cook for a few more minutes longer on low heatWhen ready, serve piping hot in a bowl


